
Médiathèque d'Yssingeaux

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Les nouveautés documentaires pour adultes

The Walking Dead

Titre(s)The Walking Dead / Musique composée par B. McCreary et S. Kaplan.

Editeur(s)Mercury Classics, P. 2014.

ContientThe Walking dead main title. - Outside the hospital. - Rick's despair. - The Mercy of the living. - The Horse. - Ride to Atlanta. - Zombie walk. - Rainfall. - Escape from Atlanta. - Merle rants. - Severed zombie head. - Searching for merle. - Quarry fishing. - Attack of the vatos. - Violin textures. - Lord of the Vatos. - Bloody Amy. - Campsite massacre. - Atlanta belongs to the dead now. - Amy resurrects. - Fever dream Jim. - Sunshine. - The CDC (Part I). - The CDC (Part II). - Running to the rain. - Sophia's theme. - Barnmageddon. - Dale's eulogy. - Shane's theme. - The End of innocence. - The Prison theme. - Dale and Andrea. - Tears of the demon. - The Horde approaches. - The Governor's theme. - C-Section. - The Pulse. - The Mercy of the living. - The Governor's prey. - My refuge, my fortress. - Daryl's sorrow. - Andrea. - Reconciliation. - Oats in the water. - It could happen to you (Jo Stafford). - Long ago (and far away) Jo Stafford.

NotesB.O. de la série télévisée.

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film) : Disques compacts


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